Twists and Turns

Life has been full of twists and turns……

Life in general comes with many twists and turns. There is always something new happening every day. Its either meeting new people or disliking the ones already in your life. Joining something new or starting a new course. The people I never used to like and never used to talk too are now my friends, and those I use to like and talk too are now more or less a stranger. Also, I have an imagination of what I want my life to look like, and I always make sure I push my self towards achieving it. however, there has been several twists and turns and a few breakdowns that I have gotten through by making sure I stay focused.

Every day I learn new things, checking out other influencers unique work and getting inspired by them. Sometimes I work towards applying some of their ways into mine and sometimes too lazy to implement them. Life is unpredictable. So therefore, Currently, I am unfolding, appreciating and relishing each and every moment… I AM LOVING IT!!

The mind imagines something else, while life itself happens out of its own process. Regardless of what we plan on achieving in life, we are bound to experience twists and turns.

                                Kenny’s takeaway quote

    “Life has got all those twists and turns, you’ve got to hold on tight and off you go” –                              Nicole Kidman

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